I was just chillin’ round the web, and then suddenly I found this site, A guy that built a robot that draws on walls and called it PlotterBot. In addition, this nice guy made a list of similar projects around the web. so anyone can join the efforts at the current step and proceed.

I specially liked the project named “Der Kritzler” by Alex Weber, implemented DrawBot with Arduino and processing Language (Maybe I’ll run it on my unemployed Arduino Duemilanove ??)
One reply on “PlotterBot? KeerBot? DrawBot?”
Hi! I’m glad you like my site!
I’ll be sure to add your KeerBot to my updated list of drawing robots. http://plotterbot.com/documentation/plotterbot-prior-art/
I’m also working on documenting all the parts of my robot to help others build their own. So, definitely check back often.